Wednesday, October 28, 2015

First Mini Goal!!

So I stepped on the scale this morning and I was excited to see that I hit my first mini goal!!! Yay!!! Even though I didn't get a workout in yesterday (besides my walk) that was definitely motivating for me.  Now my next mini goal will be to hit 210.  I've got a new wallpaper for my phone to keep my mind on the goal every time I turn my phone on.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I didn't get a workout in but I did manage to get a walk in tonight before the rain.  At least it was something.  I don't know if I will be able to get a workout in tomorrow either as I have a dr. appt in the afternoon.  I have to see and ENT for my hoarse voice I've had for over 6 months now.  I've tried several other treatments to see if they were the cause but they didn't help. I hope I get answers tomorrow and I also hope it's nothing too serious.


For whatever reason I am not feeling a workout right now.  I got home from work, ate my lunch and feel like sitting down to read a book.  I know it's suppose to rain later this afternoon all night so I won't be getting in my normal walk with John.  I'm not sure if I will feel the motivation to workout later tonight.  I just feel tired and would rather stay home.  I will make sure I stick with my diet and see if I feel up to a workout tonight.  Usually I can only make it past the 2 week mark before I start fizzling out.  I need to stick with it this time.  Even if I don't reach my ultimate goal, I definitely need to fall somewhere in the middle.  Even if I hovered in the 160's that would be much better than above the 200's.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week 2 Weigh In

2.6 lbs. lost
Current weight:217 lbs.
Starting weight: 226.6 lbs.

Total loss to date:9.6 lbs

I've been suffering from the worst headache ever!  It woke me up last night it became so painful and throbbing.  Luckily some ibuprofen helped calm it down enough for me to go back to sleep eventually.  I can still feel it there in the background this morning.  I hope I can shake it before I get my workout in this afternoon.  Hopefully by next weigh in I can make my first mini goal of 215 lbs.  I've set my phone screen to say that so I can stay focused.  Next one after that will be 210, 205, 200, etc!  It makes the big goal a little less intimidating if I can have small goals to focus on as well.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Today sucked! I had a party to go to last night and I'm sure I went over my calories and I had too much to drink so it was a bad hangover for me.  I wasn't able to get a decent workout but at least went for a walk.  I did stay under my calories today to help make up for yesterday.  I hope that I see a loss tomorrow on the scale and I'm not holding onto a lot of water weight from the drinking.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Today I did a HIIT workout instead of my normal cardio.  I did 2 min. warm up on the bike and then 30 sec sprints with 1 1/2 min. of normal pace.  I did 6 sets of the sprint/rest cycle and then a 2 min. cool down.  Then I hopped on the elliptical (since I didn't know if my butt could handle more than 15 min) and did 1 min. warm up with the same 30 sec sprints and 1 1/2 min. of normal pace.  It felt good but was kinda hard mentally to be okay with leaving the gym after only 1/2 an hour instead of one hour.  I will certainly get use to the time saver especially on days when I have other things I want to get done.  The number keeps going down on the scale each morning.  I do have a birthday party for a friend to attend on Saturday night and also a family get together Sunday afternoon.  I'm hoping that I can remain strong and not go overboard during these events.  I need this running start to keep me going and getting derailed this soon would not be good. I'm thinking soon I need to incorporate some lifting along with my HIIT so that I can maintain my muscle as well.  Pretty soon I will also be doing BodyCombat at the Y on the weekends which is such a good workout.  Eleven days does not sound like a long time but it certainly feels that way right now.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Things are still going well.  I had a twinge of wanting to just go home and do nothing after work instead of workout and also eat McDs.  I quickly dismissed those thoughts and headed home quickly to eat lunch (black bean soup) and then got my butt to the Y.   (Sidenote: There was a disrespectful guy who did NOT wipe down the spin bike when he was done and there was a nasty puddly of sweat on the floor.  Gross!  Take the few seconds to get a spray and a towel and wipe it off!)  I got my hour of cardio and and am getting ready to head out for a walk with John.  I ate almost all of my calories for the day and just have one little snack of white cheddar cheese puffs left.  I like those because they are so airy and light- I can eat about 20 puffs for 100 calories so it feels like I'm eating a lot and it satisfies my salty craving.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Weigh In Week 1

Current Weight: 219.6
Starting Weight: 226.6
Total Loss: 7 lbs

A 7 lb loss was great for this first week.  Then things went downhill from there this morning.  I hopped on my bike in the basement and ended up breaking off one of the foot pedals.  I have clipped in shoes so my shoe was attached to the pedal.  I had to have my strong hubby get it off.  Then I had to clean up cat puke.  Let's hope all the crappy stuff is behind me now.  I'm so bummed about the bike because I went on that every morning to get a little workout in first thing.  Now I will have to do everything at the Y.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


It's the end of the first week and I think it went very well.  I was able to get in a lot of cardio and had 1 rest day.  I did have a wedding which meant two meals that I was not able to count the calories so I'm sure I went over.  There is nothing special going on this coming week so hopefully that will help me stay on track for week 2.  I didn't feel like getting my workout in yesterday but I somehow managed to find some motivation to do it.  I'm in the middle of todays workout having just done 18 min. on the bike downstairs and will head to the Y to finish the rest on the elliptical and maybe some more biking.  I did get a nice long walk last night which was great and plan on getting one in today while it's nice and sunny out.  It's starting to get cold as fall creeps in more and more but it's still great walking weather.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


 Day 4 went well.  It was a very busy day and tomorrow will be hectic as well.  My littlest is in a wedding so today was the rehearsal and tomorrow's the big day.  I kept my eating under control before the rehearsal dinner and then I tried to stay within reason but let's be honest, I'm sure I went over.  It was so good.  I hope tomorrow I can not go too crazy at the wedding.  I got most of my cardio in but my knee started to bother me so I stopped.  I got 45 min. in which is still great and will go on a long walk tonight with hubby.  Tomorrow will be a rest day due to all the wedding plans.  Hopefully Saturday I can get back on the game with workouts and eating good.  That's always the hard part- getting back on after a slight derailment.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Day 3 Thoughts, Ramblings, Etc

I'm still off to a good start.  I stepped on the scale again this morning and saw even of a loss which was so AWESOME!  Obviously I had a lot of water weight so I will get to see a big, motivating loss the first week.  I managed to squeeze my 60 min. of cardio today even though it was a bit of a challenge.  I got to thinking while on the elliptical that I'm a pretty cool person and I just want my outside to reflect the inside.  I feel like I'm a strong person who is willing to overcome tough challenges but my overweight body really doesn't reflect that.  I have 2 bicep tattoos that I really want to show off with some badass biceps but right now they are big and flabby.  I know that people always say that losing weight won't help you feel better about yourself- that's a mental thing.  I think I do have some positivity about myself but am just disappointed that I am doing things to my body that I really don't want to- no exercise, eating too much.  It has become so much that I try to avoid social situations because I don't have anything to wear to hide all my failings in that area.  I hope that getting myself back into shape will allow my body to reflect what I want people to see about me when they look at me.  I've always had the smile, but now I just need the fit body to match.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Today was the second day of a long journey.  So far it's going well. I made sure to go for a long walk last night and it was a perfect windy, fall evening.  I peeked at the scale this morning and was great to see a lot of water weight gone already.  I should have a big number for the first weigh in. I have a wedding coming up this Friday but I have already planned that I'm not drinking which should cut down on too many calories.  I'm dreading wearing any kind of clothes besides a t-shirt and yoga pants.  It makes me so frustrated that I got myself to this place.  I had been shopping at Goodwill the other day and it was so depressing trying stuff on (and seeing myself in the mirror).  Clothes shopping is not a fun thing but it use to be when I was smaller size.  I even had to change what Halloween costume I was going to wear this year because I was having a hard time finding anything in the right size.  I will save that idea for next year.  This year I'm going as Judge Judy in one of those giant black robes. Also, hoping to not go crazy at the annual Halloween party I go to.  Last year I didn't drink at all because I had an ulcer and I managed to have fun without it.  I am allowing myself 2,000 calories each day so I guess it wouldn't be too hard to save some calories for a few drinks (but only if I felt like I could stop at only a few).

Monday, October 12, 2015

First Weigh In 10/12/15

Today was my starting weigh in day.  This was extra depressing because I was 6.5 lbs more than I thought I was :(  I just finished up a good workout this afternoon. So far the day is a success

Here are my starting stats:

Beginning weight: 226.6 lbs

Body Fat-37.9

Looking over at my measurements from the last time I started losing weight after E, I'm not even as big as then even though my number on the scale is higher.  It must be more muscle that I'm carrying around this time due to my few stints of weight lifting.  I would certainly love to get more into that but at the moment I will focus on weight loss and maybe when I'm more in the 170's I can start incorporating weights!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Here We Go Again

Here I find myself 3 years later and needing to make some major changes.  Tomorrow is a new day and will begin to exercise and eat better. I had forgotten all about this blog and was so motivating to read through all my past posts and weigh loss victories.  I hope that I have more of those in my near future.  I planned out my meals for tomorrow and will weigh in and take measurements in the morning.  I fear that I will fail again and although I may be able to lose the weight I won't be able to maintain that loss.  All I can control right now is to keep moving forward and try.  I want to be on fire again for fitness!