Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18 Weigh In Week 7

Loss for the week: 3.2 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:186.4 lbs.
Total loss to date: 22 lbs.

I can't believe I'm still maintaining an over 3 lb/week rate! I've been getting much worse about sticking to my calories. I've cheated more times that I care to count this week. I did try to make up for some of it buy adding an additional 40 min. to my workout on Thurs. I'll just keeping taking it one day at a time and not beat myself up about it too much. My husband on the other hand has reached his goal this week. He set out to lose 15 lbs. at the same time I started my weight loss and he's there! I asked him yesterday what his plan was going forward and he said he wouldn't mind getting down another 5 lbs. so I guess he's going to stick with me a little longer on this journey. I can't wait for the day when I weigh less than him(the way it should be)!

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