Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 2

My first day went very well. I was able to get an hour workout in first thing in the morning after nursing E. It was a great start to my day. This morning however I did not follow in those same footsteps. After I was done nursing E, I decided to head back to bed for a couple more hours of sleep since J was downstairs working out before work. I'm hoping to get a walk in today with the kids and then during naptime I'll get the rest of my workout today. I think I'll try to do 2 20 min. Denise Austin videos today (one different from yesterday and one the same). My muscles are a little sore today but not too bad. My food plan for today is pretty similar to yesterday except I'm having pork chops for dinner instead of chicken. I don't mind keeping things the same since it's just easier for me to get use to a routine. I plan dinners for the family a few weeks at a time so when I'm dieting I eat what I have planned but just in a portion that makes sense calorie-wise. 9 months seems so far away today but I'll just take it one day at a time.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Here's what on the docket for today:

Oatmeal 130 cal
1/2 c. peaches 30 cal.
2 eggs & 1/8 c. cheese 180

Snack- Pretzels(serving size of 48 sticks) 105

Lunch-Salad 30 (very basic- iceberg lettuce, spinach, low cal. italian dressing)
Cheesy rice w/broccoli 260
Sugar snap peas 40
Celery sticks w/dip 105

Snack-Apple 100
Pretzels 105

Dinner-Salad 30
Chicken 500
Apple 100
1/2 c. peaches

Snack-pretzels 105

This am I did 2 20 min. exercise videos by Denise Austin and 20 min. on the elliptical

First Day Back Into It

I've been dreading/looking forward to this day for awhile. Baby #4 is now 4 weeks old and it's time for me to get my butt into shape. Last Jan. I began a weight loss plan and ended up losing 55 lbs. by Aug. It was great to finally get my body back after having been pg. the previous three years, but I knew it wouldn't last long since we wanted to have one more baby. I had great intentions of keeping up with all my workouts. Well, that didn't last very long because it ended up being a pretty rough pregnancy. I struggled with depression so I had no energy or drive. I stayed in bed most of the day and the kids watched more tv than I ever cared to let them. I ended up gaining all the weight that I had lost so now here I am starting back at the same weight I was last January.

Here is my plan/goals:
Consume 1,850 calories per day (since I'm nursing this is higher than I had it last time)
Exercise for 1 hour every day
Lose 68 lbs. by the end of May 2011

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs.

I took my measurements today so I'll be keeping track of that. I'm not sure that I'm brave enough to post those numbers right now. Maybe more towards the end when they are no longer true.