Monday, August 1, 2011

8/1 Weigh In Week 48

Loss for the week: +1.4 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:148.8 lbs.
Total loss to date:59.6 lbs.

WTH!!!!That about sums it up for me. I started seeing this gain very early on in the week and I was baffled. I had been very diligent with my workouts and I was getting even more workout time in sometimes up to 5 hrs. each day. I was in serious kick butt mode and my body apparently was not having it. I guess you've gotta take the good with the bad but I would have seriously rather had a smaller loss last week and then another smaller loss this week than a big loss and then a small gain. I'm really hoping that next Monday's weigh in will go better. So since I had already seen a gain I kinda leaned into yesterday and went off the diet for the day since there were birthday cupcakes in the house. My last baby turned 1 on Saturday. I believe after leaving the hospital one year ago I weighed 220 pounds. I have come a long way in one year and that alone is enough to be proud of. So this small bump in the road is just a part of the journey and it will make me stronger by enduring the mental struggle and continuing through it. I have 9 more weeks of this diet and I know I can keep doing it.


  1. Sorry it didn't go down for you. Hope next week goes better for ya! Good job for pressing on!

  2. Muscle weighs more than fat does - if you're working out that many hours a day, no wonder your body is becoming more muscled :)
