Sunday, November 1, 2015


Friday was a busy day helping out at the kid's school so I was a little short on time to get my usual HIIT bike workout at the Y.  I decided I would do a little run/walk workout instead around my neighborhood.  It seemed to go well.  I pushed myself on my running sprints to about a 7:15 min/mile pace but only for 30 seconds at a time.  I did 7 of the sprints with walking in-between and altogether was about 30 min.  My feet were really sore later on that day and I was on them all night at a Halloween party.  When I woke up on Saturday, I could not put any weight on my left heel.  It was so painful.  I have been experiencing what I think is plantar fasciitis for awhile now because I will get soreness in my heels right away in the morning and if I've been sitting/laying down for awhile and get up.  I guess my run did not bode well with that.  Luckily my mom picked up an arch sleeve for my feet and after wearing I was able to walk around the house.  Today, I went to the Y to get my normal HIIT bike workout in and my feet are doing well.  It was a small setback but I'm glad it didn't last long.  Tomorrow will be my 3rd weekly weigh in.  So far I'm staying committed and I hope the weeks fly by!

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