Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/30 Weigh In Week 65

Loss for the week: 4.2 lb.

Original weight: 208.4 lbs
Last weeks weight: 151.8 lbs
Current weight:147.6 lbs.
Total loss to date:60.8 lbs.

So I'm back into it. I really feel like fall/winter time is the ideal time for me to lose weight. It's more of a mental thing I guess. I think I'm bored having to be stuck in the house with the cold temps so I need something to put all my focus and energy into. Anyway, it's been going good. This was my second week back into it and I didn't want to post again until I knew I'd be able to stick with it this time around. I'm trying a little more drastic approach this time around with a 1200 calorie diet and atleast 60 min. of exercise a day but usually I get in anywhere from 90-150 min. a day. I'm lifting weights three times a week to ensure that I'm not losing muscle mass. I had my body fat tested this morning to see where I was at and get an idea of how low I could expect to get. Right now I'm at 21.6% body fat. I was kinda shocked by that number because based on (those dumb) BMI charts I have a pretty high BMI and am just barely in the healthy range. I've always know I was built more muscular so just goes to show that sometimes those charts aren't an accurate way to measure things. As always, I will take a wait and see approach but I do like to set my sights high so even if I don't reach them I should still land at a pretty decent spot. Based on my current body fat, I think I will see if I can get down to 132 which would be another 15 lbs. lost and would put me right around 12.5% body fat which is just about as low as you "should" go based on those charts. Again, I'm really more concerned about my tummy fat which is apparently where I must store almost all my fat (that measurement was definitely the highest of all in the 7 site body fat test) so if I get to a place where I feel comfortable with the flatness of my tummy and I haven't reached that magic goal weight I'll be okay with it. I just like to set my sights on a goal so I have something to focus on. I'm hoping by Valentine's Day (which gives me 11 weeks) I'll be enjoying a dinner out at The Cheesecake Factory! Last week I lost 2 lbs. and this week was 4.2 so I'm off to a very good start. I have cut my calories to a point where I "should" (if my body cooperates with the math of it all) lose around 2 lbs. a week.

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