Monday, December 13, 2010

12/13 Weigh In Week 15

Loss for the week: 1.6 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:176.0 lbs.
Total loss to date: 32.4 lbs.

Well I was pretty disappointed by today's weigh in. I was really hoping for a lot more since I've upped my workouts. I'm getting in about 1 1/2 hrs. every day. I'm really not sure what went wrong. I guess my body just needs a little time to adjust to the new workouts? Every muscle in my body has been aching this week so I know I've been pushing myself to the limits. I've tried out a whole bunch of classes at the Y and I love them all. My butt however is not a fan of the spinning class, LOL. I guess it needs to get to use that hard seat. Hopefully next week I'll see some bigger numbers. Either way, a loss is still a loss.


  1. You're still doing great! Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat--which means you're probably doing better than what you think! Keep it up! :)

  2. ha! Nikolai beat me to it! she's right you know..and because of the stress of your new routine (daily and work out) your body may take a while to "comput" so you may see a huge loss next monday from last weeks work...crazy/weird, I know...but it's just how it goes some times. also, 1 and a half pounds is brill for being this far into a diet... usually that's the norm!!! you're super lucky to lose 3lbs normally per week..... that's usually unheard of...unless you're on the biggest looser!!! hee hee! :)

    remember..the smaller you are, the harder it's gonna be.... but you've done it before, you can do it again! :)
