Monday, December 20, 2010

12/20 Weigh In Week 16

Loss for the week: .6 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:175.4 lbs.
Total loss to date: 33 lbs.

I really do think I've hit a bit of a plateau. I was stuck in the 175/176 lb. range last time around for about 4 weeks and since my loss has slowed down tremendously in these last weeks I think that is where I am at again. I know that the amount of calories I'm eating(factoring in breastfeeding as well) and the workouts I've been doing that I should be losing more. Since I'm able to look back at my last weigh loss and see the patterns and how my body did, I think I have a good idea of what it's capable of. I'm sure in the weeks to come(and once the holidays are done) that things should pick back up again. Last time around when the plateau was finally done, I lost 6 lbs. in one week and then picked back up again at the 2-3 lb. loss a week. So since I'm looking ahead to the big picture and I know this will take time, I'm not too worried about the week to week. Since it's Christmastime, I'm just enjoying myself and taking it a little easy in the eating department. I figure it might even help to give my body some more calories anyway so it's not getting so use to the 1850 per day I've been stuck at the last 16 weeks. Sorry these last few weigh ins have been kinda uneventful but it's real. There isn't always going to be big numbers but the important part is to keep on pressing through it and you'll see the fruits of your labor. I did my spinning class again this morning and my butt was able to handle it much better this time around. It was a great class! I love all my workouts at the Y! They have awesome instructors there! You really should check out your local Y and think about getting a membership. They even offer scholarships and such to those that can't afford it. Okay, my plug is over :)
Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

  1. ooo ooo! or join us over here at ANYTIME FITNESS! 12 hour sale on the 4th of Jan - $0 enrollment, $0 key fee, and 1st month free!!!!!!! :)

    sorry, just had to..

    beth? where are you? ;)

    sooo maybe you're right that you've hit a plateau.... oh well! it's christmas, like you said, enjoy! :)

    you'll kick butt again - i'm sure of it!!!!

    phew! glad you're not passing me up...cuz there's no way i can diet around this time of year! hahaha!!! :)

