Monday, May 9, 2011

5/9 Weigh In Week 36

Loss for the week: -1.6 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:152.6 lbs.
Total loss to date: 55.8 lbs.

I'm going to try not to focus on that number. It was another holiday weekend and I again fell off that diet wagon. I enjoyed my Mother's Day a little too much. I've got a pretty good feeling all that and then some is just water weight because my scale tells me along with my body fat and muscle my water percentage and that was a lot higher than it normally is. I'll make that excuse to myself and I'm pretty sure by tomorrow or the next day it will be back down. I feel like the closer I come to the end, the harder it's getting to stick with it. Since I can almost smell freedom(from the diet) I keep stumbling more. Hopefully this week I can stick with it faithfully because we have nothing out of the ordinary going on. I'm not sure if I'll reach my goal by the end of May but even if I get pretty darn close that's awesome. I didn't feel like going to the Y this morning so I did my workouts at home. I did 45 min. on the elliptical, a 20 min. Jillian workout, and a 45 min. Jillian workout. I was busy all morning spring cleaning throughout the house. I'm not even close to being done and getting ready for my garage sale in a few weeks. I pretty much have to start from square one with clothes because most if not all of my clothes from the last time I lost weight are too big. It's nice on the one side to get new clothes but it's not so nice on the budget. Oh how I hope to be in the 140s next week!!! Looking back at my weigh in 4 weeks ago I was only 1 lb. heavier. Time for my body to start letting go of some more fat(preferably belly fat)! I've been at this 153/152/151 weight for a month now and it's getting old. Here's to a better week!

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