Monday, May 23, 2011

5/23 Weigh In Week 38

Loss for the week: 4 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:145.0 lbs.
Total loss to date: 63.4 lbs.

Yeah baby! I rocked it this past week! I aimed for 3 hours of exercise each day but I actually didn't do any exercise on Saturday and Sunday due to the rain and the fact that my shoulders were sunburned so bad I didn't want to do any intense exercise(today there are blisters, ouch!). I'm going to try to get in as much exercise this coming week as well but I know I might not get 3 hrs. each day since I'm having a garage sale at my house so that will take up a lot of my time. It feels so great to be so close to my goal. I feel like I just might make it to my goal in time as long as my body cooperates. Along with the increased exercise I also aimed for an average of 1700 calories per day but since one of those days I ate at The Cheesecake Factory, the other days I was consuming 1350 calories so the weekly total would still be the same. It was a very busy week and weekend and we enjoyed a lot of eating out (still mostly staying within calorie limits) and then had a family gathering. I kinda lost myself on the deserts and splurged a lot on Sunday so because of that I'll aim for 1500 calories daily the rest of this week. I am already seeing the changes in my tummy that I was hoping for. It is slowly but surely getting smaller.


  1. Crazy amazing! You are right about the goal that I want to be at! I'd like to lose about 63 myself. 33 to go! I've never done 3 hours of exercise! I might have to try that some time!
