Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gonna Have to Sit This One Out

I'm still struggling with the eating part of this diet. I decided to look back at my previous weight loss numbers and realized that once I hit the 160's I took a break of almost 4 weeks before I really started back up again. I think this break gave my body a chance to adjust to the new weight and then when I picked back up again it was ready to lose more. So since for some reason it's been really hard to stick to my diet, I'm just going to give myself a break for the next 3 weeks. I will continue with all my workouts, but just not concentrate on my calorie counting. You know how when you're told you can't have something then you really want that thing more than anything. Well I think feeling "restricted" for this long has started to get to me and it's consuming me. (I'm also gonna try and blame it on hormones, LOL, I'm in the losing the hair phase after having a baby so I'm sure my hormones are a little whack trying to get back to normal) Once I can stop thinking about food so much, then I'll be ready to go again. I'll still weigh in and report on that but for now I must take a break on calorie counting. I think I'll still try to stick to my morning routine of oatmeal, protein bar & banana since I want to give myself the energy I need for my workout. I'll be curious to see how well I can maintain weight eating normal but working out like I do.


  1. Nicole - that's exactly what I started about 2 weeks ago. Eating reasonable and healthy. No measuring or counting. I pretty much know by heart the routine. Increased my daily activity (treadmill for now), three healthy meals and 3 healthy snacks a day, no eating after 7. :) I really want to try something that I could do for life! I'm only going to check my weight once a month too - the numbers will seem bigger and more impressive! :) Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration, and I'm confident you'll reach your goal!!

  2. Do what you gotta do! I am sure you will be back with plenty of motivation and energy :) You've gotten so far already, I know you can finish this :)

  3. I think that you've done an amazing job, and consistantly lose weight. I know you've been feeling like you've been falling off here and there, but I think you're doing GREAT! I think that if you don't lose more than a 1lb you kind of freak....but your numbers are a lot higher than the average what you're losing is a bit deal!

    I think you should press on. I know you can do it! Don't take a break..just fit in those fun foods when you really want them. Remember, this is the time! Just before the weather gets nice and you want to wear a bit less!

