Monday, November 22, 2010

11/22 Weigh In Week 12

Loss for the week: 3.8 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:179.4 lbs.
Total loss to date: 29 lbs.

It feels great to be in the 170's! This past week I didn't get much exercise in since the stomach bug was floating around our house. It was an odd one where I'd feel crappy one day and then fine the next and then back to sick two days later. I've loving this almost 4 lb per week rate I've been going at! Not sure if it'll keep up any longer but that's okay. This week is Thanksgiving week and hopefully I can still maintain a decent loss. I think I will save a few hundred calories each day to make up for eating my Thanksgiving meal. I'll also try to fit in maybe an extra 20 min. of exercise each day. I'm all for letting myself enjoy the day with family and eat yummy foods but I'll just make sure with a few adjustments that I still lose some weight. Until next week...

1 comment:

  1. Proud of all your hard work Nicole! Keep on trucking along. I'm sure having such big loses is a great motivator! In no time you will reach your ultimate can do it!
