Monday, November 8, 2010

11/8 Weight In Week 10

Loss for the week: .2 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:187.0 lbs.
Total loss to date: 21.4 lbs.

So I haven't fully jumped back into things. I wasn't really counting my calories this week and enjoyed a few nights eating out. I enjoyed my freedom and wasn't too concerned about things. I'm glad to see that I lost a tiny bit. I think I'm ready to get back into things and I might consider making this a routine of taking a few weeks break every so often. It would be sort of like a built in plateau. I did keep up with the exercise but I got more creative/flexible with that. Since it's fall and we have two wonderfully huge trees in our backyard I've been spending a lot of time raking leaves. I did that while the kids napped as my exercise on a few days. I just checked out a new Jillian Michaels dvd at the library and I like it. It's a butt kicker as usual! So that is it and hopefully next week I'll be reporting a bigger loss{and since the weather is in the 60's I'll be sure to get in lots of walks this week on top of things}

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