Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So someone asked for some recent pictures. Well, here you go:
This first one is my before picture. I never actually got around to taking a decent before picture so this is the day I left the hospital after having my 4th baby. Ugh, I look so bloated! I'm actually a little heavier here at about 220 lbs. since those first 13 lbs. came off without me having to do any work.

Here I am today at 153 lbs. (I had to take these myself so they aren't the greatest but you get the idea)

Wow, 67 lbs. makes quite a difference! Can't wait to get those last few pesky pounds off which are mostly in the tummy area(and yes I did suck in for the picture :P )


  1. I still can't get over how far you've come in such a short time. Awesome! (love the last pic with E in the background) hehe

  2. YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! Now I need to get some of your determination! :)

  3. it's not sucking in-you're flexing! :-) you look amazing!

  4. Amazing! You are an inspiration. And living proof that it CAN be done!
