Monday, April 25, 2011

4/25 Weigh In Week 34

Loss for the week: 0 lbs.

Starting weight: 208.4 lbs
Current weight:152.2lbs.
Total loss to date: 56.2 lbs.

Well it was Easter weekend and since I was feeling so great about my size 6 body I let myself enjoy some goodies. I'm not sure that was the whole reason I didn't lose anything. I was checking my weight and still on Sat.(before any splurging) I was only down 1 lb. I think my body is slowing to a plateau. I think I've reached that point where I have a few pounds to go and I'm really going to have to work for them(as if I haven't been working my butt off this whole time anyway)! I feel like such a broken record saying this but I really hope to get outside as much as I can for walks to add in more exercise. It's not that I haven't tried, it's just that we've been dealt a really crappy spring filled with snow, sleet, rain and cold temps. I might try to get out today for one though. I did my 45 min. cycle class and then ran about 3.5 miles. Since the kids are going down for a nap and I haven't showered yet I may get some more time on the elliptical as well. I'm not too down about my lack of a loss this past week. I am still on a high from my clothes shopping trip the other day. I got a few really cute tops to go with my "new to me" jeans. It was so exciting being able to try on size 6s, smalls and even a few extra smalls. What a change from these last 5 years where it's been mostly extra larges and larges! It's great to see all my hard work and determination paying off. I will keep chugging along! I've gotta start seeing some big numbers again if I want to make my goal. I wanted to be at 140 by the end of May so I have 5 weeks left to lose 12.2 lbs. Come on body, get on board again!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole, Anya here! GREEAAAAT JOB!!! I do not want to get too lengthy here, but I am wondering if you need to pick up your calories to loose more weight? The reason I say that is because I have been doing p90x for a few months now and it has you recalculate your metabolic heart rate every 30 days or so and then this changes how many calories you take in. Basically, when your metabolism goes up, you need to add a few more calories. It sounds so opposite of what we think. Just saying what the nutrition guide says. It also encourages me to add more carbs (good ones) and proteins to my diet to see weight loss....which is also opposite of what we think, but major athletes eat lots of carbs! After you have tried everything else, maybe you can pick up the calories and see if that helps you get off those last little pounds that you say you want off?! I was surprised to see that you were at 1400 cal. as much as you are working out. P90x had me starting at 1800 cal. (but, you have to make sure the calories you take in are mostly healthy....I am not majorly strict with this, I still eat a dove chocolate everyday, HEE,HEE!) You look Amazing by the way ;)!!!
