Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13 Weigh In Week 2

Loss for the week: 5.2 lbs.
Starting weight: 208.4
Current weight: 199.8
Total loss to date: 8.6 lbs.

This has been a good week!!! I'm sure I can't keep pulling out these big numbers but it's a good start to have already lost 8.6 lbs. in the first two weeks. Now only 59.4 more to go!
Today I really didn't feel like cranking out my workout since it was a hectic day. I took all 4 kids to the zoo (with my mom's help) but then on the way home we got stuck in traffic because the freeway went down to 1 lane for awhile. Luckily the baby was still sleeping because I couldn't imagine being in standstill traffic with a screaming 6 week old. Anyway, I dropped off my mom and went to fill up at the gas station. After putting gas in, I went to open the van door and couldn't because all the doors were locked. My van did this once before for some reason but luckily I had been at the gas station a few houses down from my house so I ran to get the extra key. Well this time I couldn't do that. I ran into the gas station to let them know and they called the sheriff for me. I went back to the van to try and see if my 4 year old could unbuckle herself. She tried and couldn't get it so I decided we'd just have to wait till the sheriff got there. Meanwhile,the baby is screaming and mommy is getting anxious. Then A tells me she has to go potty and a few minutes later it turns into "Mommy I'm going to have an accident soon!" I told her to try to unbuckle herself again and this time.... she got it!!! Praise the Lord for allowing A to free her brother and sisters from the locked van! I hauled all 4 kids in quickly to use the restroom and then we headed home. As stressful as that all was, I just really didn't feel like putting in some hard work. I did it anyway despite my day. I think we can always come up with a good excuse not to exercise but the important thing is to push through those feelings and (in the words of Nike) "Just Do It!"


  1. oh my, how scary!!! glad she was able to open the van door!

  2. Oh my goodness - Praise the Lord is right!!! Also, I'm very proud of you - you are really doing a great job!

  3. Wow, you are AWESOME! and what a story! :) Keep it up girl!

  4. I still can't believe you worked out after all that and am very glad that A was able to get unbuckled!
